четверг, 29 января 2015 г.

Play faster & win more on Blackjack games

Faster gaming experience, more hands per hour, and more winnings. Find out how Pinnacle Sports Casino's new 'Early Action button' increases your winnings on Blackjack.

Win more with the Early Action button

The Early Action button is available for all players playing on Blackjack tables at Pinnacle Sports Casino.

The Early Action button allows players to select the action they want, while they wait for their turn at the table – speeding up the game in the process, making the overall experience much smoother and increase winnings. 

How it works – faster play, more increased winnings

Our new Blackjack function is designed to make a player's experience easier and faster so they can enjoy more of the action, helping them to win more frequently.

The 'Early Action button' is available for all players, while the dealer and the software will direct the game as usual.

Once the cards have been dealt, all players - starting from Chair 2 - can select their required action before their turn. Once their turn arrives, the dealer will act according to the option the player selected.

If a player skips the 'Early Action button', they will still be able to select an option - like previously - once the standard 15 seconds limit has begun.

Why you can win more

This improvement will noticeably improve players gaming experience and increase their winnings. The benefits of the new 'Early Action button' include:

Much faster and smoother experience

More hands per hour, meaning more chance to win

dle time significantly reduced

Speeds up gameplay

See the new 'Early Action button' in action

The next time you log into the Pinnacle Sports Casino you will be able to take advantage of this great new feature. Below is an image detailing the big improvement.


As signalled by the dealer, it's the player in position 1's turn. Despite player 1 still pondering their move, your options clearly appear before your turn.

With reduced idle time, a smoother gaming experience and more hands per minute, the new 'Early Action button' makes Blackjack at the Pinnacle Sports Casino a more enjoyable experience, while giving you the chance to win more.

Earn 0.3% Rebate on every turn

In addition to this great new feature Pinnacle Sports Casino is renowned for offering outstanding value.

Our cash back rebate program pays 0.3% of your bets win or lose straight back into your Rebate account, meaning you win, on every bet.

Enjoy the new Casino Blackjack Early Action button alongside the 0.3% rebate to ensure you win more at Pinnacle Sports Casino.

Click here to visit the Pinnacle Sports Casino and take advantage of the new 'Early Action' button now.

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