среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Join our Fantastic 5 live Twitter Q & A with the HoS

Join our live Fantastic 5 Twitter Q & A with the sharpest man in betting - our Head of Sportsbook (HoS). Follow the discussion as he answers questions on a huge weekend of sport, or any sports betting related questions.

The Fantastic Five – a feast of sports betting

The weekend of January 31st is one of the biggest for bettors on the 2015 calendar.  Amongst a number of other betting opportunities, over 36 hours, you can bet on:

The Australian Open finals

Superbowl 49

World Handball Championships Final

The return of the Premier League

Silva vs. Diaz at UFC 183

It’s an incredible feast of sport with plenty of betting opportunities across a number of major markets. We wanted to get it started right. Giving you access to the man who makes the big decisions seems like a great way to do just that.

What to Expect

As we always do when HoS takes over Twitter, we revisit our favourite quote about him:

“This is one quietly confident, ultra-cocky dude running the show at Pinnacle… walk softly and carry a big stick.”

HoS, in a word, is blunt.  In previous Q&As, he has: 

Provided an insight into the betting world

Spoken openly about players winning $300,000 a month

Announced huge news - our $1,000,000 limits for the 2014 World Cup

Every time he takes the account, something happens. What should you expect? Access, information and laughs. It’s a great way to start off a huge weekend of sport.

The Details - How it will work


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